Aston Villa UEFA Champions League 2024/25 fixture and results

This is a preview of all matches played by Aston Villa in the UEFA Champions League 2024/25 season. You can choose to export this fixture in CSV, XLSX, ICS or JSON format.

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Round Number Date Location Home Team Away Team Result
1 17/09/2024 16:45 Stadion Wankdorf Young Boys Aston Villa 0 - 3
2 02/10/2024 19:00 Villa Park Aston Villa Bayern München 1 - 0
3 22/10/2024 19:00 Villa Park Aston Villa Bologna 2 - 0
4 06/11/2024 17:45 Jan Breydelstadion Club Brugge Aston Villa 1 - 0
5 27/11/2024 20:00 Villa Park Aston Villa Juventus 0 - 0
6 10/12/2024 20:00 RB Arena Leipzig Aston Villa 2 - 3
7 21/01/2025 17:45 Stade Louis II Monaco Aston Villa 1 - 0
8 29/01/2025 20:00 Villa Park Aston Villa Celtic 4 - 2

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