This is a preview of all matches in the Super Rugby Pacific 2025 season. You can choose to export this fixture in CSV, XLSX, ICS or JSON format.
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Round Number | Date | Location | Home Team | Away Team | Result |
1 | 14/02/2025 06:05 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Hurricanes | 33 - 25 |
1 | 14/02/2025 08:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Highlanders | 37 - 36 |
1 | 15/02/2025 03:35 | HFC Bank Stadium | Fijian Drua | ACT Brumbies | 32 - 36 |
1 | 15/02/2025 06:05 | Eden Park | Blues | Chiefs | 14 - 25 |
1 | 15/02/2025 08:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | Moana Pasifika | 45 - 44 |
2 | 21/02/2025 06:05 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | Crusaders | 49 - 24 |
2 | 21/02/2025 08:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | Moana Pasifika | 56 - 36 |
2 | 22/02/2025 03:35 | McLean Park | Hurricanes | Fijian Drua | 38 - 34 |
2 | 22/02/2025 06:05 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Blues | 29 - 21 |
2 | 22/02/2025 08:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Western Force | 42 - 45 |
3 | 28/02/2025 06:05 | North Harbour Stadium | Moana Pasifika | Highlanders | 29 - 31 |
3 | 28/02/2025 08:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Fijian Drua | 29 - 24 |
3 | 01/03/2025 03:35 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | ACT Brumbies | 49 - 34 |
3 | 01/03/2025 06:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | Blues | 29 - 33 |
3 | 01/03/2025 08:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | Queensland Reds | 24 - 28 |
4 | 07/03/2025 06:35 | Eden Park | Blues | ACT Brumbies | 20 - 21 |
4 | 08/03/2025 03:35 | Churchill Park | Fijian Drua | Chiefs | 28 - 24 |
4 | 08/03/2025 06:05 | North Harbour Stadium | Moana Pasifika | Hurricanes | 40 - 31 |
4 | 08/03/2025 08:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Western Force | 34 - 10 |
4 | 09/03/2025 02:35 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Queensland Reds | 43 - 19 |
5 | 14/03/2025 06:05 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Hurricanes | 18 - 20 |
5 | 14/03/2025 08:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Fijian Drua | 38 - 21 |
5 | 15/03/2025 03:35 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Western Force | 55 - 33 |
5 | 15/03/2025 06:05 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | Blues | 32 - 31 |
5 | 15/03/2025 08:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | NSW Waratahs | 35 - 15 |
6 | 21/03/2025 06:05 | Navigation Homes Stadium | Moana Pasifika | Chiefs | 35 - 50 |
6 | 22/03/2025 03:35 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Queensland Reds | 23 - 29 |
6 | 22/03/2025 06:05 | Eden Park | Blues | Crusaders | 19 - 42 |
6 | 22/03/2025 08:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | ACT Brumbies | 28 - 23 |
6 | 23/03/2025 06:05 | HBF Park | Western Force | Fijian Drua | 52 - 15 |
7 | 28/03/2025 06:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | NSW Waratahs | - |
7 | 28/03/2025 08:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Highlanders | - |
7 | 29/03/2025 06:05 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Moana Pasifika | - |
7 | 29/03/2025 08:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | Western Force | - |
8 | 04/04/2025 06:05 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | Queensland Reds | - |
8 | 05/04/2025 01:05 | North Harbour Stadium | Moana Pasifika | NSW Waratahs | - |
8 | 05/04/2025 03:35 | HFC Bank Stadium | Fijian Drua | Crusaders | - |
8 | 05/04/2025 06:05 | Eden Park | Blues | Hurricanes | - |
8 | 05/04/2025 08:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | Highlanders | - |
9 | 11/04/2025 07:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | Crusaders | - |
9 | 11/04/2025 09:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Chiefs | - |
9 | 12/04/2025 04:35 | Eden Park | Blues | Moana Pasifika | - |
9 | 12/04/2025 07:05 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Fijian Drua | - |
9 | 12/04/2025 09:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | ACT Brumbies | - |
10 | 18/04/2025 07:05 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Blues | - |
10 | 19/04/2025 01:05 | Navigation Homes Stadium | Moana Pasifika | ACT Brumbies | - |
10 | 19/04/2025 03:35 | Churchill Park | Fijian Drua | NSW Waratahs | - |
10 | 19/04/2025 07:05 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | Highlanders | - |
10 | 19/04/2025 09:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | Hurricanes | - |
11 | 25/04/2025 07:05 | Blake Park | Chiefs | Western Force | - |
11 | 25/04/2025 09:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | Blues | - |
11 | 26/04/2025 04:35 | North Harbour Stadium | Moana Pasifika | Fijian Drua | - |
11 | 26/04/2025 07:05 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Crusaders | - |
11 | 26/04/2025 09:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Hurricanes | - |
12 | 02/05/2025 07:05 | Eden Park | Blues | Western Force | - |
12 | 03/05/2025 02:05 | HFC Bank Stadium | Fijian Drua | Queensland Reds | - |
12 | 03/05/2025 07:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | Chiefs | - |
12 | 03/05/2025 09:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | NSW Waratahs | - |
12 | 04/05/2025 03:35 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Moana Pasifika | - |
13 | 09/05/2025 07:05 | HFC Bank Stadium | Fijian Drua | Blues | - |
13 | 09/05/2025 09:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Queensland Reds | - |
13 | 10/05/2025 07:05 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Chiefs | - |
13 | 10/05/2025 09:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | ACT Brumbies | - |
14 | 16/05/2025 07:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | Highlanders | - |
14 | 16/05/2025 09:35 | Allianz Stadium | NSW Waratahs | Crusaders | - |
14 | 17/05/2025 03:35 | Churchill Park | Fijian Drua | Western Force | - |
14 | 17/05/2025 07:05 | North Harbour Stadium | Moana Pasifika | Blues | - |
14 | 17/05/2025 09:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Queensland Reds | - |
15 | 23/05/2025 07:05 | Apollo Projects Stadium | Crusaders | Highlanders | - |
15 | 23/05/2025 09:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | Hurricanes | - |
15 | 24/05/2025 07:05 | FMG Stadium Waikato | Chiefs | Moana Pasifika | - |
15 | 24/05/2025 09:35 | HBF Park | Western Force | NSW Waratahs | - |
16 | 30/05/2025 07:05 | Forsyth Barr Stadium | Highlanders | Chiefs | - |
16 | 30/05/2025 09:35 | GIO Stadium | ACT Brumbies | Crusaders | - |
16 | 31/05/2025 04:35 | Eden Park | Blues | NSW Waratahs | - |
16 | 31/05/2025 07:05 | Sky Stadium | Hurricanes | Moana Pasifika | - |
16 | 31/05/2025 09:35 | Suncorp Stadium | Queensland Reds | Fijian Drua | - |